Panfish On The Fly

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The Summer Doldrums Are Over

They are looking up again!

Summer in my part of the Northeast was  particularly hot and dry this year.  What is usually my bread and butter time of year for panfish and other warm water species, turned out to be a bust. It was just too damn hot to enjoy a day's fishing.  So I spent a good portion of my summer chasing trout in places like Montana.  I'd be lying if I said I did not enjoy myself, but I am glad to be back on local waters chasing my favorite fish.

Thankfully, things are cooling down a little, so spending a few hours on the water is a pleasant experience.  The fish seem to be enjoying the improving conditions as well.  The top water bite is no longer a dawn or dusk affair.  Frisky bluegills are readily taking bugs and poppers off the surface all day long.